Week 1

1週目 Teacher’s Lesson

Week 2

2週目 Topic Discussion

Eg. What do you think about the cost of weddings in Japan? Would you rather use the money for your honeymoon or for your wedding ceremony?

The “Inkan” and “Hanko” are two distinct types of stamp in Japan. What are the differences between them? When and why are they used over the standard signature?

Week 3

3週目 Plain English
In week 3, we like to cover certain grammar points that are useful in daily life. Some weeks we use material from the BBC learning English website or from a listening exercise on YouTube.

From BBC Learning English

1. Negative or Limiting Adverbs
Sentences which use a negative or limiting adverbs (never, no, hardly, scarcely, little, etc.) are treated as negative by the question tag, even though their construction is positive. Therefore the question tag is positive.

WRONG: They never go on holiday, don’t they?
RIGHT: They never go on holiday, do they?

2. Indefinite Nouns
Sentences with indefinite nouns such as someone, anyone, no one and everyone, use they in the tag.

No one cares, do they?
Everyone left, didn’t they?
Someone's at the door, are they?

Week 4